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Critical Thinking Practitioner


What we need most these days is the ability to formulate judgments (judging things) objectively and as close to reality as possible.
Yes, there are multiple tools and methods, but the critical thinking framework remains the most effective since the early centuries for building a philosophy of decision in human life…
Today, through this course, we embark on a scientific experiment towards building capabilities, acquiring skills and enriching knowledge that will make us good practitioners of the critical thinking framework and the use of its mechanisms in formulating judgments.

Practitioner of Critical Thinking
by: Mr. Ahmad Theeb Ahmad

📆 5-6 September 2021
🕖 9:00 pm Jerusalem time

Subscription method:

  • Attendance is free of charge only for those who exceed 50% of the pre-exam, exam link: https://forms.gle/DTHiTa8XjuxXo9VT7
  • Certificates are free for those who exceed 75% of the post-test. The exam date will be set on the last day of the course.
  • or, certificates with a fee of $100 for those who wish to obtain them without taking the exam or not succeeding in it.

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